Professor Jason Ruiz Awarded Funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities

Author: Arts and Letters

The Ford Foundation recently named American Studies professor Jason Ruiz a 2010 Diversity Postdoctoral Fellow. The highly competitive fellowship will allow Professor Ruiz to devote his full attention to his book manuscript, titled Americans in the Treasure House: Travel to Mexico in the Popular Imagination of the United States, over the 2010-11 school year.


He will be mentored by David Serlin, Professor of Communication at the University of California, San Diego. A summer stipend from the NEH will also allow Professor Ruiz to work on his manuscript this summer.  



In addition to these honors, Professor Ruiz was awarded a Visiting Scholar Fellowship from the Autry Institite for the Study of the American West to conduct research in Los Angeles.



Originally published by Arts and Letters at on June 15, 2010.