Get to Know a Latino Studies Student: Jennifer Moreno-Mendoza

Author: Institute for Latino Studies


Name: Jennifer Moreno-Mendoza

Hometown: Irving, Texas

Year: Junior

Major/Minor: Marketing, Latino Studies, and Catholic Social Teaching Minors

Dorm: Breen Phillips


Q: Favorite memory at ND?

A: Meeting friends during the Latino First-Year Retreat.

Q: What activities are you involved in on campus?

A: Multicultural Ministry Intern for Campus Ministry, Advising Fellow Leadership Team for Matriculate.

Q:What do you hope to gain from your major or minor in Latino Studies?

A: Jennifer hopes to gain a deeper understanding of her background so that she can be more informed about the issues that Latinos both in Latin America and the US face within their communities. She wishes to learn more about the meaning of being a Latina in the United States. She is also genuinely interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the roots of Latin American culture and its history. 

Q: What would you like to do after Notre Dame? How do you feel the Institute of Latino Studies is helping you achieve these goals?

A: Currently, Jennifer is still unsure of what the future will bring; nonetheless, she is interested in pursuing a career in ministry and community outreach with the Latino community in the United States. Jennifer believes that her Latino Studies minor is helping her achieve these goals through the insights and education she gains from her interactions with Latino communities, classes, and experiences. 


Q: What ILS activity has been the most meaningful to you? If you had the opportunity, what event would you be interested in attending?

A: The Cross-Cultural Leadership Program (CCLP) has been Jennifer’s most meaningful experience as part of ILS. In 2019, she was placed at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington, D.C. This CCLP internship gave her the opportunity to explore a new city as she learned about human trafficking in relation to the Latino community. Additionally, she was able to gain a deeper understanding of what works and what does not in the nonprofit sector.
During the fall, she participated in the ILS sponsored leadership development training provided by facilitators from Chicago’s very own “Coalition for Spiritual and Public Leadership” ( This opportunity is enabling her to learn more about justice and leadership through catholic leaders in the Latino community. In the future, she would like to participate in more events in relation to faith and social issues to develop her effectiveness as an organizer within the Latino community.