Latinx Identidades


Location: 104 Bond Hall

Latinx Hhm Photo

*Part of the 2022 Hispanic Heritage Month Series of Events*
**See Livestream Below**

A Notre Dame faculty and student panel will explore the complexities of Latinx identities. If you have you ever wondered what all the terms "Latinx, Hispanic, Chicano, Boricua, and Trigueña" mean, join us to develop your understanding of the intersectionality of these terms and how Americans of Hispanic heritage may identify themselves.  

Bring a friend or colleague to gain insight and increase cultural proficiency.  

The panel will be moderated by Latinx Student Alliance president Nicholas Crookston, an undergrad in political science, global affairs, and Latino studies.

Panelist include:

Dominick Blanco, Undergrad - Computer Science and Latino Studies

Alejandra Campos, PhD Candidate - Political Science

Marisel Moreno, Associate Professor - Romance Languages and Literatures

Francisco Robles, Assistant Professor - English

Pre-reception at 5:00 p.m. in the Bond Hall lobby.

Co-sponsored by Latinx Student Alliance (LSA) and the Office of Human Resources at ND.

Art image created by Luis Colindres/